Introduction of Valio Eesti

Valio Eesti is one of the largest local dairy companies, which was founded in 1992 and    which produces and markets fresh dairy products and cheese made mostly of milk from     Southern Estonian farms. Valio Eesti updates its product selection every year and    manufactures more than 150 different dairy and cheese products in total.

Valio Eesti’s dairy products can be found in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Finland,   Sweden and Italy. On the Estonian market, Valio is represented in all most important dairy   product categories: milk, cream, yoghurt, sour milk, desserts, cheese and spreads. Outside   Estonia, the company mainly operates in the segments of cheese as well as fresh dairy   products that strengthen health.

Valio Eesti manufactures its products in two plants in Southern Estonia – Valio Laeva Dairy   and Valio Võru Cheese Plant.

Quality, healthy and delicious dairy products as well as satisfied consumers, partners and    workers form the foundation of the company’s business operations.
This is also reflected in the company’s slogan: “Making you feel good!”

Valio grows in the Baltic States by creating added value.

Vision up to 2015
The vision of Valio Baltic is to be the most loved brand and the best dairy company in the Baltic States:

• position at the level of the Baltic States;
• the most loved and sought after partner for consumers, clients and partners;
• the best products of the highest quality and the strongest activity principles;
• the best dairy company or milk processor.

The Estonian origin and quality of Valio Eesti’s products has been recognised with the Approved Estonian Taste quality label granted by the Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce.

The ISO 9001 certificate for marketing, product development, sale, production and logistics of dairy and other food products was issued to Valio Eesti at the end of 2006. The laboratory of Valio Eesti operates according to ISO 17025 standards. The company has also implemented the HACCAP (Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points) food safety system.

The turnover of Valio Eesti AS and AS Võru Juust in 2011 exceeded €94 million.

Valio as an Employer
Valio Eesti is one of the biggest employers in Võru Town and the biggest employer in Laeva Municipality. Although Valio Eesti’s management and support units are based in Tallinn, the majority of its 340-strong staff works in the two production units in Laeva, Tartu County, and Võru, Võru County. Both production units are among the biggest and most stable employers in Laeva and Võru, which is also evidenced by the long service of their staff. For example, the average length of service in the Võru Plant is 15 years.

Valio’s Values: Responsibility for Well-being
• quality products developed to meet the needs of consumers
• satisfied client, consumer and partner
• motivated and highly trained staff*
• ethically and economically sustainable production

* We carried out our knowledge and skills development project with co-funding from Enterprise Estonia from 29 April 2010 to 28 April 2011. We created and developed our strategies and management systems in the scope of the project.